Friday, November 19, 2010

Time Square

Ts again ..of course with my lovely TnF comrades..
not  a cluster tis time but wf some of them

Having a great time wf --

The HUGE christmas decoration at the TS front door
Ts's decoration always being very grandly during the festive events

having ur lunch at foodcourt -- Thai food
Angel -- Fried rice + egg + spicy
              ( blearily when having it.. haha!!)

Edwin -- claypot rice..i tasted it..its okay!!

Me -- Fried rice pattaya + spicy + milo ice
          ( not bad...)

Eric -- Milo ice (sitting bside me quietly )

chit-chating while waiting for ur movie which was 3: 40 pm --

The Rise of The Mummy

not so boring but no point..
i like the mummies ,so cute..hah.
not so funny but grinned at some part of the movie ..
i like the ending ..ahahah..--
the titanic n the jungle books

after movie .. we shopped around
accompanied cheng hui to choose shoes as she can't wear the high-heels anymore..pity
discounts are everywhere =.="
back then..
took bus
jaming all the way back

its rainning again... 

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