Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pei JoOn Farewell

Having a NiCe..Great..Scary..FuNNy..UnpreceDented farewell Party wf TnF 03'
which organized by pei joon..

we went to bukit cahaya, shah alam
took the shutter bus to reach our challenge place..
so comfort with the fresh-cool-free-nature aircond
playing the scary skytrex..(actually wasn't so really very tired to climb the 21 metres high ladders =.=)
keep climbing of ladders n always using our hands..arms..wat the hell tired was it ..
never so tired b4 after graduate frm CH..
bt we laughed happily until the whole forest can hear our voice!!

taking EXTREME challenge at the 1st time..
heart rate increased...

Little Adventure is bside us..
like the cute monkey..

xiu wei fetching us..n dropped wenly at concorde there to take a cab n rushed to the airport =.=
having so much oso during the way bck..^.^

me n shareen .. on the way back

having dinner at summer bbq n steamboat..having a nice view n nature air-cond at the top of the restaurant..
later change down inside the warm restaurant man..

decoration inside the building..

Soya n wei hong..
enjoy eating..
enjoy playing ..

after dinner..
putting so much food inside my stomach..
included the chocolate ice-cream..n 3 glasses of orange juice..^.^..hoh

*captured by PeI CHee*

Always have fun wf TnF
no matter we do wat or go anywhere..
luv tis big family so much..
not taking so much photos during the challenge
coz nt so convenient..
bt i noe pei chee will ..haha..
thanks for pc to take a lot of photos
n capture our happy memories..

n JoOn..captured our funny fish-i facess
haha..tata n take care ..
we wil miss u a lot...

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